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Detailed Program
First day: Thursday, December 6
8:45 - 9:00 Welcome address
9:00 - 10:00 Invited Talk: Trustworthy Autonomy
Prof. Michael Fisher
10:00 - 10:15 Coffee break
10:15 - 12:05 AT & EUMAS Joint Session 1.
Distributed Decision Making and Auctions. Chair: Truls Pedersen
Bart de Keijzer and Dominik Wojtczak. “Facility Reallocation on the Line”
Benno Kuckuck and Jörg Rothe. “Monotonicity, Duplication Monotonicity, and Pareto Optimality in the Scoring-Based Allocation of Indivisible Goods”
Francesco Trovò, Stefano Paladino, Marcello Restelli and Nicola Gatti. “Improving Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithms”
Rica Gonen and Ozi Egri. “Two-sided Markets: Mapping Social Welfare to Gain from Trade”
Alessandro Nuara, Francesco Trovò, Nicola Gatti and Marcello Restelli. “Online Joint Bid/Budget Optimization of Pay-per-click Advertising Campaigns”
12:05 - 13:05 Lunch
13:05 - 14:55 Parallel Sessions
AT Session 1. Agreement Methodologies, Rules, and Policies
Chair: Alberto Fernandez
Athanasios Panaretos, David Corsar and Wamberto Vasconcelos. “Minimality and Simplicity of Rules for the Internet-of-Things”
Samuel Cauvin, Wamberto Vasconcelos and Nir Oren. “Policies to Regulate Distributed Data Exchange”
Nicoletta Fornara, Alessia Chiappa and Marco Colombetti. “Using Semantic Web Technologies and Production Rules for Reasoning on Obligations and Permissions”
Jeremias Dötterl, Ralf Bruns, Jürgen Dunkel and Sascha Ossowski. ”Stream-Based Perception for Agents on Mobile Devices”
Juan Afanador, Nir Oren and Muri Baptista. “An Adversarial Algorithm for Delegation"
EUMAS Session 1. Game theory. Chair: Jorg Rothe
Kshitija Taywade, Judy Goldsmith and Brent Harrison. “Decentralised Multiagent Approach for Hedonic Games”
Jitka Homolová, Anastasija ÄŒernecka, Tatiana V. Guy and Miroslav Karny. “Affective Decision-Making in Ultimatum Game: Responder Case”
Stavros Gerakaris and Subramanian Ramamoorthy. “Learning Best Response Strategies for Agents in Ad Exchanges”
Athina Georgara, Thalia Ntiniakou and Georgios Chalkiadakis. “Learning Hedonic Games via Probabilistic Topic Modeling”
Lorenzo Bisi, Giuseppe De Nittis, Francesco Trovò, Marcello Restelli and Nicola Gatti. “Online Follower’s Behaviour Identification in Leadership Games”
14:55 - 15:15 Coffee break
15:15 - 17:05 AT & EUMAS Joint Session 2. Chair: Nicolleta Fornara
Agreement Foundations and Modelling of Reasoning Agents
Alison R. Panisson, Stefan Sarkadi, Peter McBurney, Simon Parsons and Rafael H. Bordini. “On the Formal Semantics of Theory of Mind in Agent Communication”
Stefan Sarkadi, Alison R. Panisson, Rafael H. Bordini, Peter McBurney and Simon Parsons. “Towards an Approach for Modelling Uncertain Theory of Mind in Multi-Agent Systems”
Stephen Cranefield, Nir Oren and Wamberto Vasconcelos. “Accountability for Practical Reasoning Agents”
Timotheus Kampik, Juan Carlos Nieves and Helena Lindgren. “Implementing Argumentation-enabled Empathic Agents”
Konstantia Xenou, Georgios Chalkiadakis and Stergos Afantenos. “Deep Reinforcement Learning in Strategic Board Game Environments”
19:30 - Social dinner AT & EUMAS at Bryggeriet Restaurant & Brygghus
Second Day: Friday, December 7
9:00 - 10:00 Invited Talk: Shared Decision Making in Human-Robot Teams
Prof. Elizabeth Sklar
10:00 - 10:15 Coffee break
10:15 - 12:05 AT & EUMAS Joint Session 3. Chair: Georgios Chalkiadakis
Applications of Agreement Technologies and Multi-Agent Systems
Ioannis Gkourtzounis, Emmanouil Rigas and Nick Bassiliades. "Towards Online Electric Vehicle Scheduling for Mobility-On-Demand Schemes"
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-García, Alberto Fernandez and Holger Billhardt. "Dynamic Delivery Plan Adaptation in Open Systems"
Alberto Fernandez, Holger Billhardt, Sandra Timón, Carlos Ruiz, Óscar Sánchez and Iván Bernabé. "Balancing Strategies for Bike Sharing Systems"
Miguel Teixeira, Zafeiris Kokkinogenis and Pedro d’Orey. "Autonomous Vehicles Coordination through Voting-Based Decision-Making"
Marin Lujak and Arnaud Doniec. "Towards Distributed Real-Time Coordination of Shoppers’ Routes in Smart Hypermarkets"
12:05 - 13:25 Lunch
13:25 - 14:55 Parallel Sessions
AT Session 2. Argumentation and Negotiation. Chair: Ruben Fuentes
Dave de Jonge, Tim Baarslag, Reyhan Aydogan, Catholijn Jonker, Katsuhide Fujita and Takayuki Ito. “The Challenge of Negotiation in the Game of Diplomacy”
Dimitrios Tsimpoukis, Tim Baarslag, Michael Kaisers and Nikolaos G. Paterakis. “Automated Negotiations under User Preference Uncertainty: A Linear Programming Approach”
Kou Kitagawa, Shun Shiramatsu and Akira Kamiya. “Developing a Method for Quantifying Degree of Discussion Progress towards Automatic Facilitation of Web-based Discussion”
Miguel Rebollo, Carlos Carrascosa and Alberto Palomares. “Distributed Ledger and Robust Consensus for Agreements”
EUMAS Session 2. Logics. Chair: Marija Slavkovik
Truls Pedersen and Sjur Kristoffer Dyrkolbotn. “Computing consensus: A logic for reasoning about Deliberative Processes Based on Argumentation”
Riccardo De Masellis, Valentin Goranko, Stefan Gruner and Nils Timm. “Generalising the Dining Philosophers Problem: Competitive Dynamic Resource Allocation in Multi-Agent Systems”
Martin C. Cooper, Andreas Herzig, Frédéric Maris and Julien Vianey. “Temporal Epistemic Gossip Problems”
Fabio Massimo Zennaro and Magdalena Ivanovska. “Counterfactually Fair Prediction Using Multiple Causal Models
14:55 - 15:15 Coffee break
15:15 - 17:05 AT & EUMAS Joint Session 4
Coordination and Cooperative Decision Making. Chair: Alberto Fernandez
Michail-Angelos Papilaris and Georgios Chalkiadakis. "Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Effective Personalized Recommendations"
Ashiqur Khudabukhsh and Jaime Carbonell. "Endorsements in Referral Networks"
Massimo Cossentino, Luca Sabatucci and Salvatore Lopes. "Partial and Full Goal Satisfaction in the MUSA Middleware"
Rubén Fuentes-Fernández and Jorge Gomez-Sanz. "Interpreting Information in Smart Environments with Social Patterns"
Miroslav Karny and Zohreh Alizadeh. "Towards Fully Probabilistic Cooperative Decision Making"